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Season 3, Episode 2: ‘Two in the Box’
In the lead-up to the third season of “Silicon Valley,” one of its writers, Dan Lyons, published an excerpt in Fortune from “Disrupted,” his new book about his misadventures at a start-up called HubSpot. As a middle-aged man with a background in journalism, Lyons was an odd fit for a company specializing in Internet marketing — a field he admits to knowing nothing about. Once he got started, the experience was even more alienating than he’d imagined. He found himself cast as the “old man” in an office populated by college graduates half his age. He also found a bright, casual work environment that bore “a striking resemblance to the Montessori schools” his children attended:
On the ground floor an enormous conference room doubles as a game room, with the requisite foosball table, Ping-Pong table, indoor shuffleboard, and video games. The cafeteria next door boasts industrial refrigerators stocked with cases of beer, cabinets with bagels and cereal, and, on one wall, a set of glass dispensers that hold an assortment of nuts and candy. It’s called the “candy wall,” and Zack explains that HubSpotters are especially proud of it. The wall is one of the first things they show off to visitors. It’s a young place, with lots of energy. Teams go on outings to play trampoline dodgeball and race go-karts and play laser tag.
And all this is to say nothing of the dogs skittering around the office or the “nap room” with a hammock and a tropical mural on the wall. From the beginning, “Silicon Valley” has gone to town on the infantilized campuses where the tech world’s youngest and brightest can take cereal breaks and change the world on beanbag chairs. By now, viewers understand that this is where the enemy lives. Erlich’s incubator may be a patchouli-caked stinkhole, but at least it’s not Hooli, where the hip, open-office layout is merely a candy-colored facade for 21st century corporate venality.
“Two in the Box,” Sunday night’s episode, brings Richard and his team into the belly of the beast — and it turns out, they kind of like it. With Action Jack handling the budgeting and V.C. funding, Richard can focus on pursuing his coding dreams without concern about dollars and cents. His doctor, played uproariously by Andy Daly, declares him healthy and even notes a glow about him: “If it were medically possible, I might even think you were pregnant.” As engineers, Dinesh and Gilfoyle are disgruntled by nature, but now they have the hookup on “Minority Report” monitors and a micro-kitchen chef who makes watermelon Jell-O and gluten-free waffles. Only poor Erlich, who has no significant day-to-day role in the company anymore, seems left out, but even he absconds with a few boxes of expensive, unpasteurized coconut water.
But, there’s a big catch: Richard no longer has control of his company. His ambition to create a compression platform that will enrich the lives of people everywhere runs against Jack’s mission to sell Pied Piper to businesses and make the stock price go up, up, up. Jack is not an egotist like Gavin Belson, who’s busy trying to scrub the Hooli algorithm to accommodate his morning vanity searches. He’s a successful businessman who will take his “Conjoined Triangles of Success” and turn Pied Piper into a smooth-running operation that will offer a massive return on investment. Stephen Tobolowsky plays him with a serene self-confidence that’s unnerving, but essentially innocent: Jack will see through his business initiative with the same lack of affect with which he watches his mare get $150,000 worth of thoroughbred seed.
In short order, the existential threat of failure in Seasons 1 and 2 of “Silicon Valley” has morphed into the nightmare of success. Richard wants to bequeath the world a free, efficient, self-learning compression platform and collect his billions with premium services on the back end. Jack wants him to create a product his top-flight team — like “Jan the man” and the guy who shadows another guy — can sell before the tech bubble bursts again. And since Jack is C.E.O., he wins the argument, despite his empty assurances that Richard’s product will never be compromised. At the end of “Two in the Box,” Richard witnesses his vision for the next Google or Facebook shrink into a compact metal box to house business data files. No doubt that next bowl of Froot Loops is going to taste like ash in his mouth.
Silicon Valley Season 3 Free Download
• Exchange between Dinesh and Gilfoyle over the game of rock-paper-scissors that costs Gilfoyle the bigger of the two monitors. Gilfoyle makes a comment about rock-throwing protests in Pakistan matching Dinesh’s gameplay, to which Dinesh replies: “You should type up all your racist jokes on your tiny monitor.”
• Jared’s housing issues lead to sleeplessness and legal issues. He’s too ineffectual to kick the Airbnb deadbeat out of his condo, but in typical Jared fashion, he puts a weirdly positive spin on homelessness: “I imagine that my skeleton is me and my body is my house. That way, I’m always home.”
Silicon Valley Season 2 Free
• The tenant-friendly California laws that keep Jared out of his own place are tied neatly to Erlich’s frustrated efforts to boot Jian-Yang, his uncomprehending Chinese “incubee,” out of the house. Erlich’s attempt to bridge the cultural divide by offering a Japanese kimono as a parting gift gets precisely the response it deserves.
• Last week, I talked about conflict as the comic spark to “Silicon Valley,” and with the soon-to-be-ex-Nucleus team cracking Richard’s middle-out code, the gang will have that to worry about, too. The good news for us is that Richard will lose his pregnancy glow and we’ll be seeing a lot more of Andy Daly.